Hi, I'm Simran (she/her). Data visualization is my craft.
This website is ✨under construction,✨ but you can check out my resume and some of my design processes in my notes. I technically have GitHub, Twitter, and LinkedIn too. Reach out if you want to nerd out about dataviz, fantasy books, plants, or football!
Switch home page to masonry grid layout
Design more playful image load animation
Only display 'faves' category on mobile
Design about page, maybe some personal dataviz? guiding principles?
Add blog infrastructure (maybe using Ghost? or mdsvex?) to share process/resources
Add sports datasets/scrapers I've built on GitHub
Design resume page
Self-host/compress images; right now i'm using google photos but performance isn't giving
Make a footer with 'Built with SvelteKit and hosted on [whatever platform i use, netlify?]'